Thursday 9 July 2020

Help is on the way! Trump sends Bolsonaro bottle of bleach and syringe

Washington, Brasilia (dpo) – These two Heads of State have one another’s backs. As soon as Donald Trump heard that Jair Bolsonaro had tested positive for coronavirus, the US President sent a gift to his Brazilian counterpart containing a bottle of disinfectant and a syringe.

“Dear Jair,” reads the card, “I am sending you some bleach and a syringe so that you can treat yourself for the Chinese virus. Inject 3x daily directly into the vein before meals. You’ll be feeling great again in no time. I developed the treatment myself. It is 100% effective. I wanted to send you a bottle of sunlight as well but I couldn’t seem to catch it. Very sad.”
We await reports as to whether President Bolsonaro has started the Trump Treatment.
fed, ssi, dan
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