Friday, 5 March 2021

Disgusting: Farmer spreads animal faeces on his fields

Erding, Germany (dpo) - It's enough to make your stomach turn! Members of a consumer protection association caught farmer Franz-Josef K. (53) right in the act of spreading liquid animal faeces onto his fields by the gallon. Farmer K.’s fields are mostly planted with potatoes and wheat, which were actually intended for human consumption.

Fridolin Bögler from the Bavarian consumer office is appalled: “We have long been suspecting that something strange was going on in Mr K.’s fields. After all, you could hardly ignore the stench. So some of our group decided to sit in wait armed with cameras.”
And indeed, they made an unbelievable discovery: with a specially designed trailer, Franz-Josef K. carried a slurry tank containing several gallons of his cattle’s urine and faeces to his field, where he generously distributed the stinking liquid.
He is not even ashamed: Franz-Josef K.
Experts believe that there is every possibility that the animal faeces seep into the farmland and are absorbed by the crops that are growing there.
“The worst thing is that the consumer does not even have the slightest clue about this,” Bögler says, “For the customer in the shop, there is no detectable difference between bread that has been produced using manure wheat and other bread.”
Since Franz-Josef K. was not prepared to talk about this issue, his reasons for sullying his products in this way remain unclear.
There is an even more disturbing twist to the story. The Bavarian consumer office suspects this could be regular practice. “There is evidence that other farmers across the whole of Germany have also been spreading animal faeces over their crops,” Fridolin Bögler explains, “Currently, we are simply unable to pursue all lines of investigation.” Thus, he encourages consumers themselves to be more aware: “We call on anyone who sees a suspicious trailer or comes across unexplainably foul-smelling fields to inform the local authorities without delay.”
adg; picture above: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH - Shutterstock; picture on the right: Visionsi - Shutterstock; first published 2017-05-25
Read the German version HERE.
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