Wednesday, 9 February 2022

The couldn’t-care-less generation: 95 percent of all babies do not help with household chores

Princeton (dpo) - Is the world’s laziest generation of all times impending upon us? According to an international study by approved sociologists of Princeton University, USA; newborns of the last two years rarely or never help with their parents’ household chores.
“It’s shocking – but in the area of household chores, one has to deliver a damning indictment for all those people born after 2017“, explains Director of Studies Howard Whittaker, who examined children from 32 countries, among them several European countries such as France, the Netherlands, and Germany. “Even regarding the fulfilment of the simplest chores, like helping in the kitchen, cleaning up their own room or disposing of waste, the latest generation is transnationally no longer willing to comply.” Scientists have so far not come up with adequate reasons for this. “The problem is that most people concerned refrain from articulating their reasons for not doing anything”, as Whittaker said. “We are faced with a mystery. Not even financial incentives seem to be of any use.”
Therefore, scientists have recommended a policy of the heavy hand to worried parents of newborns. “Parents should see to it that they don’t allow too much”, Whittaker explains. “If all else fails, then there just won’t be any night-time feeding – until the bottle has been put into the dishwasher.”
dan, ssi; picture: Shutterstock; first published 21/11/16
Read the German version HERE.
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