Thursday, 8 June 2017

Peace offering? Trump sends Comey a delicious cake shortly prior to hearing

Washington (dpo) - A gesture of reconciliation – a short while before former FBI Director James Comey’s hearing, a courier arrived for him with a tasty chocolate cake from US President Donald Trump. The cake was beautifully decorated using green sprinkles with a chemical aroma.

Comey’s secretary Amber Smith confirmed the cake had been received, along with a short note from the President. The note reads:
A token of my appreciation for your tireless fight for justice and a sign of my respect for you. You should eat it before your hearing today; it’ll be great fuel. For optimum results, at least 60 min beforehand so you don’t feel bloated at a crucial moment. Best wishes, Donald Trump (tehehe)
Comey is said to have a penchant for chocolate cake.
According to Smith, it is uncertain exactly what kind of cake this is. “It appears to be a chocolate cake but I have no idea what the green sprinkles are made of. Perhaps they’re pistachio or mint flavour.”
Smith continued, explaining that, unfortunately, Mr Comey was unable to eat the cake. He was very pleased to receive such a lovely gift but, “just as he was about to cut himself a piece, he suddenly spotted three dead flies lying on it so he had to throw it away. It’s a shame about the chocolate, though.”
dan, ssi; picture above: Shutterstock
Read the German version HERE.
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