“After the huge success of Horny Housewives without Cash I, I wanted to do it even better”, explains Beaumon, a big fan of method acting. “After a year of hard work, I must admit that my industry has been painting a completely inaccurate picture of this profession. For a start, ‘plumber’ is not even the correct term – the job’s actual title is ‘sanitation, heating and air-conditioning engineer’.”
Beaumon’s average customer |
Beaumon also had to learn the hard way that the words, “Do you not find it awfully hot in here?” were actually not an encouragement to perform a hot striptease followed by a sex marathon, but merely meant he should look over the heating system. A further revelation for Beaumon was that during his whole time as an engineer, he was only greeted in a negligee once – unfortunately, by a stocky, hairy man in his forties.
“All things considered, I am glad I never had sex with a customer during these twelve months”, Beaumon sums it up. “Because of the hard work, I would not have wanted any even tougher exercise anyway.”
The result of Beaumon’s thorough research is quite impressive: it has turned into a three-part documentary. Horny Housewives without Cash II will be broadcast on Thursdays at 8.15 p.m. on BBC Four (age rating: U).
ssi; picture above: © auremar - Fotolia.com, picture on the right: © imageegami - Fotolia.com; first published 2018-03-09
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