Wednesday, 10 April 2019

May uses Berlin visit to apply for asylum in Germany

Berlin (dpo) – British Prime Minister, Theresa May, today made an asylum application in Germany. The shock move came following her discussions with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. Mrs May then reported to a police station in central Berlin where she cited harassment and persecution in her home country, the UK, as reasons for her official application for asylum. She has now been moved into refugee accommodation in Berlin.

An inside source reports that Mrs May already seemed nervous when discussing the possibility of a Brexit extension with Mrs Merkel. This source told us, “She arrived with a suspiciously large amount of luggage and asked lots of questions about life in Germany while she was talking to the Chancellor.”
She wanted to know whether it rained as often in Germany as in her native UK, whether it was difficult to drive on the right and whether a person of her age could still find good career opportunities on the German job market, among other questions.
Shortly afterward, Mrs May presented her asylum application to the Berlin Police and was assessed by a psychologist as ‘severely traumatised’. Mrs May is therefore not to receive any news broadcasts regarding Brexit or be able to view proceedings in the House of Commons from her new accommodation. This should help to alleviate the risk of a nervous breakdown or panic attacks.
dan, ssi; picture: picture alliance / AP Photo
Read the German version HERE.
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