Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Sweet revenge: scientists infect bat with human flu

Houston, TX (dpo) - That will teach them a lesson! For the first time, scientists at the University of Texas have succeeded in infecting bats with a strain of human flu. Researchers hope that the infection will spread quickly and soon become a global pandemic.

“We started our research as soon as it became clear that coronavirus had jumped from bats to humans,” explains Professor Ian Levitchov. “It was clear to us that what humanity needed now was revenge, sweet revenge, and it appears that we have achieved that.”
The researchers have now managed to infect five bats with the influenza virus. “The animals appeared lethargic, coughed frequently and showed an increase in body temperature,” Prof. Levitchov is pleased to report. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. That is what I have to say on the matter.”
The medical expert has no sympathy for the infected animals. “They should have thought about that before they transmitted the coronavirus to humans. Did they really think we would just sit back and take it?”
Those bats suffering with the flu are now due to be released into the wild on several continents as quickly as possible. In the best-case scenario, they will infect other members of their species, triggering a pandemic in the medium term with the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of bats.
The researchers’ hopes appear realistic: in most countries, bats have not established healthcare systems and they have no early warning systems or action plans in place for pandemics whatsoever.
“They have absolutely no idea what is about to hit them,” smiles Prof. Levitchov. “They will be caught completely off guard. That is what you get when you tangle with humanity!”
ssi, dan; picture: Shutterstock
Read the German version HERE.
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