Monday, 24 July 2023

Berlin Fire Department winds down before summer recess

Berlin (dpo) - The hard-earned holidays have arrived: The Berlin Fire Department is heading into the summer recess. From tomorrow onwards, all fire extinguishing and rescue work will be put on hold for six weeks, until the firefighters return to service on the 1st of September.

“Yet another year filled to the brim with exciting and challenging deployments,” says a fire-department spokesperson. “We hope everyone enjoys the fire-department-free time as much as we do. We urge everyone to behave with caution and refrain from setting things alight until we’re back.”

The summer recess (first introduced to Berlin fire stations in 2009) arose following semi-regular complaints that the firefighters’ uniforms were too hot and uncomfortable in the summer heat.

We’re there for you – from September 1st: Berlin Fire Department

Fret not – in no way does the traditional summer recess force firefighters into taking a holiday. Many choose to use the free time for further professional development or to work as lifeguards. Furthermore, the recess allows for the unhurried maintenance of fire engines, the waxing of helmets and renovations in the fire stations.

Concerned citizens who wish to know how to act in the event of a fire can still dial 112. An answering machine has been set up to share tips on fighting fire.

cla, dan, ssi; picture above: Imago, picture below: Shutterstock

Read the German version HERE.

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