Monday, 6 March 2017

Fresh spying accusation: Donald Trump convinced he is being followed by ‘Secret Service’

Washington (dpo) - This weekend, Donald Trump took to Twitter repeatedly accusing his predecessor Barack Obama of having ordered surveillance on him, though he has not yet provided any evidence. Now, the current US President has had time to think and he claims that for some time, men in black suits and sunglasses have been following him around.

“For months now, I haven’t been able to move an inch without several agents leaping up to follow me. They clearly belong to a government department.” Stated the President. “Look at the images on the TV. Every time I appear, these guys are there, muttering coded orders into their sleeves. And they call themselves the ‘SecretService. Something is wrong here!”
President Trump aired his grievances on Twitter, too:
President Trump believes these suspicious men started following him during his campaign, when he was selected as the Republican candidate. At that time, President Obama was still in office, causing President Trump to conclude that his predecessor is responsible for his surveillance.
The current President has since demanded that a congressional committee investigate the Secret Service. In the meantime, he wishes to hire bodyguards from a private company to keep the black-suited men in check.
pfg, dan; picture above: dpa
Read the German version HERE.
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