Washington (dpo) - Donald Trump finds himself in a bind of Stormy Daniels’s making: the US President is conflicted as to whether he should refute news of his affair with the porn star or crow about it.
“I mean, on the one hand, all of my advisers are telling me that I should deny it or at least maybe not comment,” mused President Trump aloud, weighing up his options. “But on the other hand, I have had my penis inside a real-life porn star with huge breasts. Really, everyone needs to know that and they need to not be jealous but just to admit that that fact is unbelievably great.”
The President continued his contemplations, “On the one hand, it is a great indignity for my wife, who had just given birth to our first son. On the other hand, the recognition I would receive for having had my penis inside a real-life porn star with huge breasts… On the one hand it could be a huge blow to the dignity of my office, on the other hand, the recognition I would receive for having had my penis inside a real-life porn star with huge breasts...”
Trump drew a deep breath. “Hmmm…perhaps I can do both?”
Shortly afterwards, he tweeted:
ssi, dan; picture above: Shutterstock
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