Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Father proud of otherwise good-for-nothing son’s first-rate cannabis farm

Calgary, Canada (dpo) - Frank Milski is very proud: today, the 51-year-old discovered that his son Ben has secretly been cultivating a fully functional cannabis farm. Frank Milski has always thought of his son as a useless loser. Ben had dropped out of school by age 17. Now, though, Frank is truly impressed with Ben’s dedication. After all, the excellent state of the plants is evidence that he puts in a lot of hard work and the ability to run an illegal drug operation accounts for quite a feat of logistics that should not be underestimated.

“I would never ever have believed that this loser could pull something like this off”, raves the now-proud father. “Up to now, he has botched up everything he attempted to do in his life. And now, I find out that he has raised over 30 pest-free and healthy plants in his own room just like that, without me having even the slightest inkling that it was happening! After all, he could have done it the easy way and just bought ready-made dope on the streets or ordered it online over the darknet.”
Green-fingered Ben (17)
The elder Milski is also enormously impressed by his son managing to smuggle all of the necessary materials into his room. He seems to entirely lack motivation and yet he was able to run a pipe fan, fertiliser and the correct lamp into his bedroom undetected. “But that is not even the end of it”, enthuses Mr Milski, who in the meantime has become quite savvy about cannabis farming himself. “Ben even built the growbox himself, not only saving money, but also showing considerable manual skills.”
Since the number of plants far exceeds the amount the teenager could possibly consume himself, it can also safely be assumed that the 17 year-old has been dealing in marijuana – despite his father’s doubts that he would ever manage to earn his own money, let alone in such a daring, high-risk business.
Of course, Mr Milski is not going to let on that he knows about his son’s “little secret”. Instead, he wants to anonymously report him to the police to see whether the teenager will master stressful situations such as legal prosecution and impending juvenile detention equally successfully.
ssi; picture above: © Hamik -, picture on the right: © Jörg Hackemann -; first published 2018-03-05
Read the German version HERE.
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