Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Yet more cost-saving measures at Ryanair: passengers now to land with parachute

Dublin (dpo) - Ryanair is tightening its belt even further: to save money, the Irish low-cost airline now intends to strike the landing from all scheduled flights. Passengers will instead be dropped over their destination airport with a parachute.

A spokesperson for Ryanair stressed that this was the only way to maintain their ridiculously cheap ticket prices, “A standard landing also necessitates another take-off. Both of these consume an enormous amount of fuel, time and resources. In future, all of these costs can be saved.” This way, every Ryanair plane can fly to several destinations one after the other, or fly a non-stop loop and go straight back to its base airport.
When disembarking, passengers can choose whether they would like to carry their suitcases and cabin baggage themselves or have them tied to a separate parachute. According to the spokesperson, there should usually be enough parachutes on board for all passengers but this cannot be guaranteed – “first come, first served”, as Ryanair puts it.
The safety briefing at the beginning of each flight has been extended to prepare passengers for using a parachute. “We urge all passengers to pay close attention to this safety briefing rather than staring at your mobile phones if you wish to disembark successfully”, warns the spokesperson.
Infants and toddlers tandem jump with a parent, children from the age of three jump independently. Ryanair is planning to provide customers with parachutes free of charge. However, the airline also strongly advises pulling the cord on the parachute (extra charge: €49.97) for a more pleasant landing.
swo, dan, ssi; picture: Shutterstock; first published 2018-11-13
Read the German version HERE.
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